A Confession


This is an open confession to my reading audience and to the Lord My God Himself.

Since mid Summer I have been absent from blogging here. In my private time I have also been absent from communicating and spending time with the Lord. What is the reason for all this?  To be perfectly honest it is SHAME that has caused it. Shame that I brought onto myself by doing things that are not pleasing to God, and to cause the Holy Spirit to convict me time and time again.

Basically I have been isolating myself from others as much as possible, while indulging in desires of the flesh. Sin isolates you from God and from all others. It is Satan’s way of keeping you from doing what God has planned for your life. I allowed myself to indulge in excessive liquid spirits, and to fill my mind with pornographic images from the Internet. I even went so far as to begin another blog that concentrated on promoting earthly desires and totally devoid of God. It did not take very long before I was in very deep and far away from the spiritual progress I had made in the past couple of years. While I thought I was enjoying myself by playing with the forbidden fruit so to speak, I began to realize that others were noticing. As such, I began to attract a different type of energy towards myself that I had not done before. Like attracts like and those who indulge themselves in the same practices find others like them very easily.

So what brings me back here now?

God knows all that I think and will do even before I do it myself. He knew all about me before He called me into this world. The Lord has already started a great work in me and will continue on until it is finished. As Joyce Meyer always says, “He who is in me is stronger than he who is in this world”.

When I was more conscientious about spending time with God and reading His Word, truth had been revealed to me in scripture. Those Words remain in my spirit and do speak to me when I stray from my path. Those Words point out the lies and remind me of God’s plan for my life. The continuous conviction of the Holy Spirit to do what is right has worked in spirit to bring about my return here.

Thank you to all for listening and thank You Lord for ever being by my side, never leaving me nor forsaking me.

~Raymond Glen